
Test faster, fix more

Hypothesis is a library designed to help you write what are called property-based tests.

The key idea of property based testing is that rather than writing a test that tests just a single scenario, you write tests that describe a range of scenarios and then let the computer explore the possibilities for you rather than having to hand-write every one yourself.

In order to contrast this with the sort of tests you might be used to, when talking about property-based testing we tend to describe the normal sort of testing as example-based testing.

Property-based testing can be significantly more powerful than example based testing, because it automates the most time consuming part of writing tests

  • coming up with the specific examples - and will usually perform it better than a human would. This allows you to focus on the parts that humans are better at - understanding the system, its range of acceptable behaviours, and how they might break.

You don’t need a library to do property-based testing. If you’ve ever written a test which generates some random data and uses it for testing, that’s a property-based test. But having a library can help you a lot, making your tests easier to write, more robust, and better at finding bugs. In the rest of this article we’ll see how.

How to use it

The key object of Hypothesis is a strategy. A strategy is a recipe for describing the sort of data you want to generate. The existence of a rich and comprehensive strategy library is the first big advantage of Hypothesis over a more manual process: Rather than having to hand-write generators for the data you want, you can just compose the ones that Hypothesis provides you with to get the data you want. e.g. if you want a lists of floats, you just use the strategy lists(floats()). As well as being easier to write, the resulting data will usually have a distribution that is much better at finding edge cases than all but the most heavily tuned manual implementations.

As well as the basic out of the box strategy implementations, Hypothesis has a number of tools for composing strategies with user defined functions and constraints, making it fairly easy to generate the data you want.

Note: For the remainder of this article I’ll focus on the Hypothesis for Python implementation. The Java implementation is similar, but has a number of small differences that I’ll discuss in a later article.

Once you know how to generate your data, the main entry point to Hypothesis is the @given decorator. This takes a function that accepts some arguments and turns it into a normal test function.

An important consequence of that is that Hypothesis is not itself a test runner. It works inside your normal testing framework - it will work fine with nose, py.test, unittest, etc. because all it does is expose a function of the right name that the test runner can then pick up.

Using it with a py.test or nose style test looks like this:

from mercurial.encoding import fromutf8b, toutf8b

from hypothesis import given
from hypothesis.strategies import binary

def test_decode_inverts_encode(s):
    assert fromutf8b(toutf8b(s)) == s 

(This is an example from testing Mercurial which found two bugs: 4927 and 5031).

In this test we are asserting that for any binary string, converting it to its utf8b representation and back again should result in the same string we started with. The @given decorator then handles executing this test over a range of different binary strings without us having to explicitly specify any of the examples ourself.

When this is first run, you will see an error that looks something like this:

Falsifying example: test_decode_inverts_encode(s='\xc2\xc2\x80')

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/david/.pyenv/versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hypothesis/core.py", line 443, in evaluate_test_data
    search_strategy, test,
  File "/home/david/.pyenv/versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hypothesis/executors.py", line 58, in default_new_style_executor
    return function(data)
  File "/home/david/.pyenv/versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hypothesis/core.py", line 110, in run
    return test(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/david/hg/test_enc.py", line 8, in test_decode_inverts_encode
    assert fromutf8b(toutf8b(s)) == s
  File "/home/david/hg/mercurial/encoding.py", line 485, in fromutf8b
    u = s.decode("utf-8")
  File "/home/david/.pyenv/versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/encodings/utf_8.py", line 16, in decode
    return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc2 in position 1: invalid continuation byte

Note that the falsifying example is quite small. Hypothesis has a “simplification” process which runs behind the scenes and generally tries to give the impression that the test simply failed with one example that happened to be a really nice one.

Another important thing to note is that because of the random nature of Hypothesis and because this bug is relatively hard to find, this test may run successfully a couple of times before finding it.

However, once that happens, when we rerun the test it will keep failing with the same example. This is because Hypothesis has a local test database that it saves failing examples in. When you rerun the test, it will first try the previous failure.

This is pretty important: It means that although Hypothesis is at its heart random testing, it is repeatable random testing: A bug will never go away by chance, because a test will only start passing if the example that previously failed no longer failed.

(This isn’t entirely true because a bug could be caused by random factors such as timing or hash randomization. However in these cases it’s true for example-based testing as well. If anything Hypothesis is more robust here because it will tend to find these cases with higher probability).

Ultimately that’s “all” Hypothesis does: It provides repeatability, reporting and simplification for randomized tests, and it provides a large library of generators to make it easier to write them.

Because of these features, the workflow is a huge improvement on writing your own property-based tests by hand, and thanks to the library of generators it’s often even easier than writing your own example based tests by hand.

What now?

If you want to read more on the subject, there are a couple places you could go:

  • If you want to know more of the details of the process I described when a test executes, you can check out the Anatomy of a test article which will walk you through the steps in more detail.
  • If you’d like more examples of how to use it, check out the rest of the intro section.

But really the best way to learn more is to try to use it! As you’ve hopefully seen in this article, it’s quite approachable to get started with. Try writing some tests and see what happens.