
Test faster, fix more

Hypothesis has a very different underlying implementation to any other property-based testing system. As far as I know, it’s an entirely novel design that I invented.

Central to this design is the following feature set which every Hypothesis strategy supports automatically (the only way to break this is by having the data generated depend somehow on external global state):

  1. All generated examples can be safely mutated
  2. All generated examples can be saved to disk (this is important because Hypothesis remembers and replays previous failures).
  3. All generated examples can be shrunk
  4. All invariants that hold in generation must hold during shrinking ( though the probability distribution can of course change, so things which are only supported with high probability may not be).

(Essentially no other property based systems manage one of these claims, let alone all)

The initial mechanisms for supporting this were fairly complicated, but after passing through a number of iterations I hit on a very powerful underlying design that unifies all of these features.

It’s still fairly complicated in implementation, but most of that is optimisations and things needed to make the core idea work. More importantly, the complexity is quite contained: A fairly small kernel handles all of the complexity, and there is little to no additional complexity (at least, compared to how it normally looks) in defining new strategies, etc.

This article will give a high level overview of that model and how it works.

Hypothesis consists of essentially three parts, each built on top of the previous:

  1. A low level interactive byte stream fuzzer called Conjecture
  2. A strategy library for turning Conjecture’s byte streams into high level structured data.
  3. A testing interface for driving test with data from Hypothesis’s strategy library.

I’ll focus purely on the first two here, as the latter is complex but mostly a matter of plumbing.

The basic object exposed by Conjecture is a class called TestData, which essentially looks like an open file handle you can read bytes from:

class TestData(object):
    def draw_bytes(self, n):

(note: The Python code in this article isn’t an exact copy of what’s found in Hypothesis, but has been simplified for pedagogical reasons).

A strategy is then just an object which implements a single abstract method from the strategy class:

class SearchStrategy(object):
    def do_draw(self, data):
        raise NotImplementedError()

The testing interface then turns test functions plus the strategies they need into something that takes a TestData object and returns True if the test fails and False if it passes.

For a simple example, we can implement a strategy for unsigned 64-bit integers as follows:

class Int64Strategy(object):
    def do_draw(self, data):
        return int.from_bytes(
            byteorder='big', signed=False

As well as returning bytes, draw_bytes can raise an exception that stops the test. This is useful as a way to stop examples from getting too big (and will also be necessary for shrinking, as we’ll see in a moment).

From this it should be fairly clear how we support saving and mutation: Saving every example is possible because we can just write the bytes that produced it to disk, and mutation is possible because strategies are just returning values that we don’t in any way hang on to.

But how does shrinking work?

Well the key idea is the one I mentioned in my last article about shrinking - shrinking inputs suffices to shrink outputs. In this case the input is the byte stream.

Once Hypothesis has found a failure it begins shrinking the byte stream using a TestData object that looks like the following:

class ShrinkingTestData(object):
    def __init__(self, data):
        self.data = data
        self.index = 0

    def draw_bytes(self, n):
        if self.index + n > len(self.data):
            raise StopTest()
        result = self.data[self.index:self.index+n]
        self.index += n
        return result

Shrinking now reduces to shrinking the byte array that gets passed in as data, subject to the condition that our transformed test function still returns True.

Shrinking of the byte array is designed to try to minimize it according to the following rules:

  1. Shorter is always simpler.
  2. Given two byte arrays of the same length, the one which is lexicographically earlier (considering bytes as unsigned 8 bit integers) is simpler.

You can imagine that some variant of Delta Debugging is used for the purpose of shrinking the byte array, repeatedly deleting data and lowering bytes until no byte may be deleted or lowered. It’s a lot more complicated than that, but I’m mostly going to gloss over that part for now.

As long as the strategy is well written (and to some extent even when it’s not - it requires a certain amount of active sabotage to create strategies that produce more complex data given fewer bytes) this results in shrinks to the byte array giving good shrinks to the generated data. e.g. our 64-bit unsigned integers are chosen to be big endian so that shrinking the byte data lexicographically shrinks the integer towards zero.

In order to get really good deleting behaviour in our strategies we need to be a little careful about how we arrange things, so that deleting in the underlying bytestream corresponds to deleting in generated data.

For example, suppose we tried to implement lists as follows:

class ListStrategy(SearchStrategy):
    def __init__(self, elements):
        self.elements = elements

    def do_draw(self, data):
        n_elements = integers(0, 10).do_draw(
        return [
            for _ in range(n_elements)

The problem with this is that deleting data doesn’t actually result in deleting elements - all that will happen is that drawing will run off the end of the buffer. You can potentially shrink n_elmements, but that only lets you delete things from the end of the list and will leave a bunch of left over data at the end if you do - if this is the last data drawn that’s not a problem, and it might be OK anyway if the data usefully runs into the next strategy, but it works fairly unreliably.

I am in fact working on an improvement to how shrinking works for strategies that are defined like this - they’re quite common in user code, so they’re worth supporting - but it’s better to just have deletion of elements correspond to deletion of data in the underlying bytestream. We can do this as follows:

class ListStrategy(SearchStrategy):
    def __init__(self, elements):
        self.elements = elements

    def do_draw(self, data):
        result = []
        while booleans().do_draw(data):
        return result

We now draw lists as a series True, element, True, element, …, False, etc. So if you delete the interval in the byte stream that starts with a True and finishes at the end of an element, that just deletes that element from the list and shifts everything afterwards left one space.

Given some careful strategy design this ends up working pretty well. It does however run into problems in two minor cases:

  1. It doesn’t generate very good data
  2. It doesn’t shrink very well

Fortunately both of these are fixable.

The reason for the lack of good data is that Conjecture doesn’t know enough to produce a good distribution of bytes for the specific special values for your strategy. e.g. in our unsigned 64 bit integer examples above it can probably guess that 0 is a special value, but it’s not necessarily obvious that e.g. focusing on small values is quite useful.

This gets worse as you move further away from things that look like unsigned integers. e.g. if you’re turning bytes into floats, how is Conjecture supposed to know that Infinity is an interesting value?

The simple solution is to allow the user to provide a distribution hint:

class TestData(object):
    def draw_bytes(self, n, distribution=None):

Where a distribution function takes a Random object and a number of bytes.

This lets users specify the distribution of bytes. It won’t necessarily be respected - e.g. it certainly isn’t in shrinking, but the fuzzer can and does mutate the values during generation too - but it provides a good starting point which allows you to highlight special values, etc.

So for example we could redefine our integer strategy as:

class Int64Strategy(object):
    def do_draw(self, data):
        def biased_distribution(random, n):
            if random.randint(0, 1):
                return random.randint(0, 100).to_bytes(
                    n, byteorder='big', signed=False
                return uniform(random, n)
        return int.from_bytes(
            data.draw_bytes(8, biased_distribution),
            byteorder='big', signed=False

Now we have a biased integer distribution which will produce integers between 0 and 100 half the time.

We then use the strategies to generate our initial buffers. For example we could pass in a TestData implementation that looked like this:

class GeneratingTestData(TestData):
    def __init__(self, random, max_bytes):
        self.max_bytes = max_bytes
        self.random = random
        self.record = bytearray()

    def draw_bytes(self, n, distribution):
        if n + len(self.record) > self.max_bytes:
            raise StopTest()
        result = distribution(self.random, n)
        return result

This draws data from the provided distribution and records it, so at the end we have a record of all the bytes we’ve drawn so that we can replay the test afterwards.

This turns out to be mostly enough. I’ve got some pending research to replace this API with something a bit more structured (the ideal would be that instead of opaque distribution objects you draw from an explicit mixture of grammars), but for the moment research on big changes like that is side lined because nobody is funding Hypothesis development, so I’ve not got very far with it.

Initial designs tried to avoid this approach by using data from the byte stream to define the distribution, but this ended up producing quite opaque structures in the byte stream that didn’t shrink very well, and this turned out to be simpler.

The second problem of it not shrinking well is also fairly easily resolved: The problem is not that we can’t shrink it well, but that shrinking ends up being slow because we can’t tell what we need to do: In our lists example above, the only way we currently have to delete elements is to delete the corresponding intervals, and the only way we have to find the right intervals is to try all of them. This potentially requires O(n^2) deletions to get the right one.

The solution is just to do a bit more book keeping as we generate data to mark useful intervals. TestData now looks like this:

class TestData(object):
    def start_interval(self):

    def stop_interval(self):

    def draw_bytes(self, n):

    def draw(self, strategy):
        result = strategy.do_draw(self)
        return result

We then pass everything through data.draw instead of strategy.do_draw to maintain this bookkeeping.

These mark useful boundaries in the bytestram that we can try deleting: Intervals which don’t cross a value boundary are much more likely to be useful to delete.

There are a large number of other details that are required to make Hypothesis work: The shrinker and the strategy library are both carefully developed to work together, and this requires a fairly large number of heuristics and special cases to make things work, as well as a bunch of book keeping beyond the intervals that I’ve glossed over.

It’s not a perfect system, but it works and works well: This has been the underlying implementation of Hypothesis since the 3.0 relase in early 2016, and the switch over was nearly transparent to end users: the previous implementation was much closer to a classic QuickCheck model (with a great deal of extra complexity to support the full Hypothesis feature set).

In a lot of cases it even works better than heavily customized solutions: For example, a benefit of the byte based approach is that all parts of the data are fully comprehensible to it. Often more structured shrinkers get stuck in local minima because shrinking one part of the data requires simultaneously shrinking another part of the data, whileas Hypothesis can just spot patterns in the data and speculatively shrink them together to see if it works.

The support for chaining data generation together is another thing that benefits here. In Hypothesis you can chain strategies together like this:

class SearchStrategy(object):
    def do_draw(self, data):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def flatmap(self, bind):
        return FlatmappedStrategy(self, bind)

class FlatmappedStrategy(SearchStrategy):
    def __init__(self, base, bind):
        self.base = base
        self.bind = bind

    def do_draw(self, data):
        value = data.draw(self.base)
        return data.draw(self.bind(value))

The idea is that flatmap lets you chain strategy definitions together by drawing data that is dependent on a value from other strategies.

This works fairly well in modern Hypothesis, but has historically (e.g. in test.check or pre 3.0 Hypothesis) been a problem for integrated testing and generation.

The reason this is normally a problem is that if you shrink the first value you’ve drawn then you essentially have to invalidate the value drawn from bind(value): There’s no real way to retain it because it came from a completely different generator. This potentially results in throwing away a lot of previous work if a shrink elsewhere suddenly makes it to shrink the initial value.

With the Hypothesis byte stream approach this is mostly a non-issue: As long as the new strategy has roughly the same shape as the old strategy it will just pick up where the old shrinks left off because they operate on the same underlying byte stream.

This sort of structure does cause problems for Hypothesis if shrinking the first value would change the structure of the bound strategy too much, but in practice it usually seems to work out pretty well because there’s enough flexibility in how the shrinks happen that the shrinker can usually work past it.

This model has proven pretty powerful even in its current form, but there’s also a lot of scope to expand it.

But hopefully not by too much. One of the advantages of the model in its current form though is its simplicity. The Hypothesis for Java prototype was written in an afternoon and is pretty powerful. The whole of the Conjecture implementation in Python is a bit under a thousand significant lines of fairly portable code. Although the strategy library and testing interface are still a fair bit of work, I’m still hopeful that the Hypothesis/Conjecture approach is the tool needed to bring an end to the dark era of property based testing libraries that don’t implement shrinking at all.